Early pregnancy

I am often asked by women what they might expect to experience in early pregnancy.  Here's a guide below.  The symptoms below are some of the more common symptoms that women experience.  It's always best that women contact their midwife or GP early in pregnancy to arrange for a pregnancy test and a dating scan if needed.  Eligible midwives are able to order all of the necessary tests and scans and no referral is needed.

Late period This is a common sign of pregnancy, and it is the one that it most often found first.

Morning sickness Some women experience this, while other women do not. Some experience it as a later sign of pregnancy.

Sore, tingly breasts This can also be one of the earlier signs of pregnancy and it can feel similar to premenstrual breast tenderness.

Tiredness Tiredness is a common pregnancy symptom in early pregnancy.

Changed tastes or strange tastes and off-putting smells Some women will have a strange taste in their mouth, like / dislike food that was previously disliked / liked, and may be put off by smells that were previously quite ok.

For any questions, you cal always Dial a Midwife


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